BAMF Evaluation

Dimension model of distancing/ deradicalization

Focal points of the evaluation

The formative-participative evaluation of the BAMF-funded “Beratungsstelle Leben” of Grüner Vogel e.V. and the “Beratungsnetzwerk Grenzgänger” of IFAK e.V. takes place in cooperation with Camino – Werkstatt für Fortbildung, Praxisbegleitung und Forschung im sozialen Bereich gGmbH. modus|zad is mainly responsible for the evaluation of the Beratungsnetzwerk Grenzgänger. The aim of the evaluation is to capture the underlying impact assumptions of the consulting projects and to analyze them in an effectiveness-oriented concept, process and network evaluation.

Another focus of the evaluation is the creation of a dimension model of dissociation. This will be based on the impact and indicator models of the two consulting projects and will incorporate as much existing knowledge as possible on individual distancing and deradicalization processes in Islamist extremism. The model is intended to visually depict the different dimensions of successful distancing processes.

The project is funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.