Level Up! Closing Conference: New Frontiers in Digital P/CVE

12.06.2024 14:00-17:00 CET 
13.06.2024 14:00-17:00 CET 
Location: Online


Day 1: 12 June, 2024 

New frontiers and innovative approaches in digital P/CVE 

  • 14:00 Opening Remarks (Level Up! Team) 
  • 14:05 The digital sphere as a new area of influence for P/CVE (Ross Frenett, Moonshot) 
  • 14:25 Q&A 
  • 14:55 Panel: Challenges, opportunities, and ways forward in digital P/CVE
    • Moderator: Elena Jung (modusIzad)
    • Zahed Amanullah (Institute for Strategic Dialogue) 
    • Mareike Stürenburg (Amadeu Antonio Foundation) 
    • Jordy Nijenhuis (Dare to be Grey) 
    • Nagham El Karhili (GIFCT) 
  • 15:50 Break 
  • 16:00 Innovative (future) approaches to digital P/CVE (Galen Lamphere-Englund, EGRN) 
  • 16:25 Q&A 
  • 16:50 Closing Remarks (Level Up! Team) 

Day 2: 13 June, 2024

Storytelling and narrative persuasion in digital P/CVE narrative campaigns 

  • 14:00 Opening Remarks (Level Up! Team) 
  • 14:05 Presentation: Introduction to narrative persuasion (Freya Sukalla, Leipzig University) 
  • 14:25 Q&A 
  • 14:50 Presentation: Storytelling against extremism (Linda Schlegel, modusIzad) 
  • 15:10 Q&A 
  • 15:35 Break 
  • 15:50 Panel: Ways forward for digital narrative campaigns against extremism 
    • Moderator: Linda Schlegel (modusIzad) 
    • Lauren B. Frank (Portland State University) 
    • Daniela Pisoiu (SCENOR)
    • Will Allchorn (Richmond, the American University in London) 
    • Jared Shurin (Greater London Authority) 
  • 16:50 Closing Remarks (Level Up! Team) 


Join us for a discussion with internationally renowned experts and learn more about innovative approaches to preventing and countering extremism online.